※Package Detail (SGD) Package Duration of Contract Price of 6 bottles of the 1st delivery* Water Dispenser Rental Fee* Initial Installation Charge of Water Dispenser* Deposit ** Total A 1 year 83.46 128.4 26.75 100 338.61 B 6 months 96.3 306.51 *) Including GST. **) Not subject to GST. ※The Day for the 1st Delivery & Installation of Water Dispenser Arees Water will contact you to confirm the date and time about the installation of water dispenser and the first delivery of 2 boxes (6 bottles). Date and time will be in sometime from 11am to 4pm on Monday to Friday except public holidays and generally take two to four working days after your registration. ※Minimum Purchase Quantity “2 boxes (6 bottles) in a month” per one water dispenser. Considering temporary decrease in consumption during vacation season, the minimum purchase quantities are “24 boxes (72 bottles) in one year” for the package A, and “12 boxes (36 bottles) in 6 months” for the package B. ※First Payment The package price in the table above shall be paid by Cash on Delivery, bank transfer, paynow (UEN: 200602375Z) or cheque (payable to: Arees Water Pte. Ltd. ) on the first delivery/installation day. ※If you don't receive any reply from Arees Water Pte. Ltd. after 2 working days of your order, please contact us either by calling at +65 6659 0238 or sending us an email (sales@shinanoyusui.com.sg). ※All of our customer's personal information shall be carefully managed by Arees Water Pte. Ltd. and shall not be used for any other than the purposes regarding distribution of Shinano Yusui. Customer information : *required field. When used in office / shop, fill in name and contact information of the contact person. Package : Please select Package A: 1 year contract(with 2 boxes for the 1st delivery) Package B: 6 months contract(with 2 boxes for the 1st delivery) * Place of use : Household Office / Shop Name : Mr. Ms. * Enter given name followed by surname in English. Company name : Enter company name, only when used at office / shop. Delivery address : *In English Email : * Mobile phone number : * Land line phone number : How did you find Shinano Yusui ? Please select Internet search Magazine Newspaper Friend Other * Your enquiries : up to 200 words.
*) Including GST. **) Not subject to GST. ※The Day for the 1st Delivery & Installation of Water Dispenser Arees Water will contact you to confirm the date and time about the installation of water dispenser and the first delivery of 2 boxes (6 bottles). Date and time will be in sometime from 11am to 4pm on Monday to Friday except public holidays and generally take two to four working days after your registration. ※Minimum Purchase Quantity “2 boxes (6 bottles) in a month” per one water dispenser. Considering temporary decrease in consumption during vacation season, the minimum purchase quantities are “24 boxes (72 bottles) in one year” for the package A, and “12 boxes (36 bottles) in 6 months” for the package B. ※First Payment The package price in the table above shall be paid by Cash on Delivery, bank transfer, paynow (UEN: 200602375Z) or cheque (payable to: Arees Water Pte. Ltd. ) on the first delivery/installation day.
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