※ If you don't receive any reply from Arees Water Pte. Ltd. after 2 working days of your enquiry, please contact us either by calling at +65 6659 0238 or sending us an email (sales@shinanoyusui.com.sg). ※ All of our customer's personal information shall be carefully managed by Arees Water Pte. Ltd. and shall not be used for any other than the purposes regarding distribution of Shinano Yusui. Customer information : *required field. Name : Mr. Ms. * Enter given name followed by surname in English. Email : * Telephone : * Customer code : Your enquiries (including the request for repairing or periodic maintenance of water dispenser): * up to 200 words.
※ If you don't receive any reply from Arees Water Pte. Ltd. after 2 working days of your enquiry, please contact us either by calling at +65 6659 0238 or sending us an email (sales@shinanoyusui.com.sg). ※ All of our customer's personal information shall be carefully managed by Arees Water Pte. Ltd. and shall not be used for any other than the purposes regarding distribution of Shinano Yusui.
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